[Vwdiesel] More Quantum Questions?

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Tue May 5 06:51:47 PDT 2009

At 06:24 AM 05/05/2009 -0700, you wrote:
>That middle banjo is like an overflow purge outlet that is only on the TD
pump.  NA pumps >are much simpler.  On my 1.6TD pump I have a short piece of
injector fuel line that goes >to the bottom of the pump body and hangs in
mid-air, open.

I think ( on TD's )that is the atmospheric balance to the bottom side of the
boost diaphragm.
There HAS to be one for it to work. 

>Get a second Out banjo, because it is to hard to get the larger ard
plastic return fuel line >that goes back to the fuel tank off, and plug
the small port that the injector return line >connects to and put your
mighty vac on the large port that would have the hard plastic >return line
on it.
>This way you are sure to be pulling fuel into and thru the pump, not from
the return line going to the tank.

Very painfull and messy.. 

I still think the  "IV drip" method  from an elevated container is the
easiest, quickest, and most effective way to start, and medicate a sick
injection system, and you can "push" different "medications" at the same
time. Diesel purge, ATF, injector cleaner, etc.

Hang a 1/2 gal. container from the hood with an in-line cartridge filter in
the supply line , and provide a return line back to the container, and off
you go. Gravity does the rest.

This bypasses all the iffy stuff, bad/stale tank fuel, leaky lines, check
valves, water traps, main filter, leaky filter return thermo valves, etc.

Almost essential for old  rigs recovered from the weeds back of the barn.
(drive 'em out under their own power)

Sub a 1 gal container for the 1/2, , close the hood, and you can drive to
town for beer before tackling the rest. 

(Guess how I know?)


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