[Vwdiesel] Stood for a year

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Wed May 13 09:42:12 PDT 2009

Just a thought but could you have had bad fuel from the start that made it run ok a year ago but had so much water in it plus the hot cold of the air adding more water. Also fuel floats so maybe the bottom is just crappy fuel with water. May want to try the IV drip method decribed earlier (fuel can with a hole and a hose going from can straight to fuel pump). That would rule the fuel out before adjusting the IP. I wouldn't touch the pump timing yet as unless someone touched it since last year it should be fine. It does take practice to listen by ear (I haven't used a gauge yet as I got frustrated attempting to once in the parking lot in college changing a pump in the winter so I eared it and did that a few more times time I hear the clatter I heard before the IP change). 

Also a chance that the rings may have stuck some and it doesn't have much compression (running the crap out of it will help that) Check the air filter as maybe a rat made a nest in there and you aren't getting air. Change the fuel filter as it may have sucked everything in the tank through it and plugged it (should changed it anyways so you don't cavatate the pump). Just a few thoughts since I am not there to see what is going on. 


Travis G

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