[Vwdiesel] '02 Golf starts/dies

Matt matt_lisa at sprynet.com
Mon May 25 11:53:28 PDT 2009

Sounds like the immobilizer was turned on.  It's part of the key/ 
computer.  You might have to get it reprogrammed, but you need a VAG- 
COM for that.

Good luck with that. :-)

On May 25, 2009, at 12:27 PM, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

>  Dad's Golf starts and immediately dies.  It ran good "last time he
> drove it" but it sits long enough that the battery often goes down
> between driving it.  He put the charger on it, pulled it off and this
> started.
>  Crank it and it starts right up, runs for about a half second and
> stops.  Keeping the starter engaged (start vs run circuit) doesn't
> change it.  It'll immediately restart and die and it runs smooth for
> that moment so it's not fuel or air.  It's being shut off somehow.
>  Fuses on top of the battery all check good.
>  Help!
>     Loren
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