[Vwdiesel] '02 Golf starts/dies
tadc at europa.com
Thu May 28 19:33:49 PDT 2009
Yes, I think he's right. You could fix it with VagCom *IF* you had the SKC,
but AFAIK they won't give those up anymore... but I could be wrong. Or
maybe there's some shady dude on the internet who could generate/calculate
it for ya...
I had to get the SKC in order to install aUK Sport cluster in my TDI
way-back-when, and boy-oh-boy was that ever a giant pain. I think I talked
to every stealer in town at least twice. I think they finally just got
tired of me calling them and gave it up.
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 7:18 PM, <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:
> 17978 Engine Start Blocked by Immobilizer
> P1570 - 35 - 00 - -
> :-P
> Yes, there is a "key" light on the cluster but it's a car with a little
> key making up the floor pan. Didn't really notice that the other day.
> It and the GP light blink together.
> Tried clearing the code and it immediately pops back up. Instrument
> fault said something about wrong key, intermittent or something close
> to that.
> Jim says it's tow it to a dealer as far as he knows. That'd be totally
> stupid!
> Loren
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