[Vwdiesel] '02 Golf starts/dies

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Thu May 28 20:22:53 PDT 2009

Tad wrote:
> Yes, I think he's right.  You could fix it with VagCom *IF* you had the SKC,
> but AFAIK they won't give those up anymore... but I could be wrong.  Or
> maybe there's some shady dude on the internet who could generate/calculate
> it for ya...

There's supposedly a shaky OBDII reader (not the VAG-COM which is 
awesome) that can read the SKC on at least some of the cars.  Not that 
expensive, but also not that good.  I've not seen one in person, just 
heard rumors.......  I researched it some because I only got one key and 
no code when I bought my car.  The dealer happened to have a fob with 
the right part number that had been left over from another car.  Wrong 
blade (not a problem) and not adapted to my car (problem).  I didn't 
think about it for some years and missed the window when the dealers 
would actually give you the code for your $50.  Now they just charge you. 

I'm reminded:  some time back, I got a letter in the mail about a class 
action lawsuit in which the plaintiffs (we're all in that class) were 
suing the auto manufacturers/dealers to get access to all repair 
information on the basis that having secret information like that was a 
non-competitive trade practice that disallowed even non-dealer 
locksmiths from being able to work on the cars.  Anyone heard of that?  
Know what happened in the end?


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