[Vwdiesel] '01 Golf TDi binding rear brake

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat May 30 19:59:59 PDT 2009

In a message dated 5/30/2009 7:28:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
rbp at 4u2bu.org writes:

> Q: what would cause caliper NOT to retract when brake pedal is  
> released? what's supposed to separat pads?
> thanks

  The square, "rubber"  piston seal itself.  The piston moves so little, 
when the brake is applied, that the seal geneally just stretches a 
little for the movement of the piston.  It then pulls the piston back 
when pressure is released.  
  Rear calipers are generally exceptionally fun since they have a 
racheting mechanism built into them for the parking brake.  That's 
where the 911 is kinda cool, standard disk with a little drum brake, 
just for the parking brake, in the center of it.

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