[Vwdiesel] PS pump bracket

Doug & Pam db53248 at windstream.net
Sat Nov 14 08:51:06 PST 2009

Does anyone have a PS Pump bracket that they would be willing to part with.
I think the one I have is for a Caddy w/AC. I don't have AC on that Caddy
and I can't get the belt tight and the next smaller belt makes the water
pump sheave rub on the PS pump sheave. There isn't enough belt to adjust the
sheaves apart with the smaller belt. The bracket I have has a bolt hole with
nothing attached that points toward the alternator. I'd expect this hole is
an attachment point for an AC compressor.

A slightly smaller diameter PS pump sheave would work with the smaller belt.
The sheave that is installed looks like a water pump sheave with the small
hole. The water pump sheave on this Caddy is a double sheave that drives the

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