[Vwdiesel] PS pump bracket

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Sat Nov 14 10:45:54 PST 2009

Is that a 1.5, 1.6, or 1.9 (aaz) engine?

I have the brackets for installing a PS pump on the 1.6

It bolts up to the underside lip of the oil pan flange with 2 bolts, one
longer than the other. Made of cast aluminum .
Holes are slotted to permit some adjustment fore and aft for belt alignment,
and 2 holes at the end to mount the pump. One for the pivot bolt and the
other slotted in an arc to allow for belt tightening.

You also need the 2 piece brace that passes under the crankshaft pulley,
used to tighten the belt before clamping the ones at the back of the pump.

Pic a possibility if you are confused.


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