[Vwdiesel] VW half shaft

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Thu Apr 1 02:48:16 PDT 2010

About 2 years ago, I replaced the LF wheel bearing & half shaft. After removing the half shaft which was fairly easy, I had difficulty removing & replacing the giant "C" clip on the inside of the wheel bearing. The commercial C clip pliers wouldn't work, they bent under the pressure. I then took a needle nosed vice grip pliers & sharpened the ends on a grinder so they would fit in the small "o" at each end of the "c" clip & filed the inside of the pliers so it would hold the "c" clip. I also bought a bearing extractor at the local NAPA store & after removing the "c" clip, the bearing came out fairly with the tool & saved the problem of disconnecting the bearing carrier & then having to re-align the car.
Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA

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