[Vwdiesel] flange seal tool

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 15 12:16:03 PDT 2010

I have done the seals with and without the flange tool. With the tranny out my brother and I were able to wrestle a pry bar down good enough to get the snap ring on and off. But the tool is much better. I bought one off ebay for I think $20. Worth it if you don't want to worry about making tools but if you are good and making things then it is simple enough to make. The bolt is the hardest part (matching the thread and getting the correct length). The tool makes it easier to do while in the car. I always use the old seal if possible to tap in the new seals with a hammer on that. I have only done one in the car flange install on a 4 spd (no spring) and the washers were the hardest to compress correctly. I actually just turned the washers the incorrect way as I ran out of time and didn't have another vehicle. Been like that for many miles and years. I won't ever do without the tool again. That was my first experience with a triple sqaure bolt as well and was a bearcat to find those not knowing where they were sold. 

Travis G.
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