[Vwdiesel] 89 Jetta NA diesel experience?

Doyt W. Echelberger doyt at buckeye-express.com
Thu Apr 15 17:37:21 PDT 2010

I have an opportunity to acquire a German-production 1989 Jetta na diesel 
at 97,000 miles, and would appreciate input from owners of similar vehicles 
regarding characteristics and eccentricities of the model.

My own experience is with TD Jettas and na Rabbits from the middle 80's. 
They were relatively responsive cars.
This one doesn't feel that way.

I wonder if I could (safely) improve performance a little bit by swapping 
in the turbo from my 85 Jetta TD, and run it with the na injector pump 
(because the special TD pump from the 85 is leaking and would require an 

I drove it for about 20 minutes and found it to be alarmingly underpowered 
for pulling out into traffic and accelerating to highway speed. It sounded 
like it was reving really high while cruising in 5th gear at 60mph. And the 
sound level was high at all speeds. The ride was very good and the steering 
and handling precise, with good braking and a working emergency brake.

A part was missing from the module that adjusts for altitude....some kind 
on aneroid device that included what looked like a vacuum advance that you 
would normally find on a distributor. I saw the picture, but the device was 
missing from the vehicle.

The heater and blower worked, but the AC was only slightly noticeable at 
Max setting.

Wipers, horn and lights all worked....no bad glass, interior 9/10. Ext 
8/10.  Several rust spots...one at lower edge of windshield driver side, 
one the size of a fist below the door sill on the driver side.

Tires look 9/10 but might be old. The car was towed behind a motor home for 
much of its history. It has a set of tow bar eyes welded into the front 
bumper, and a rear trailer hitch for a trailer that weighs about 150 lbs.

  Real cash value estimate would also be appreciated.

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