[Vwdiesel] 85 Quantum Speedometer

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Wed Apr 28 21:11:07 PDT 2010

Erik Lane wrote:
> The mechanic is right, there is one plastic gear that tends to crack
> when it gets old, and then it no longer turns very well. If you're
> comfortable taking the instrument cluster out then you can take care
> of the gear yourself. I don't know if a gas speedo would have the same
> gear, from my understanding they were available with different numbers
> of teeth. Not sure of that, though. But it's not buried - once you get
> the speedo out of the instrument cluster it's right there in front of
> you. I've had excellent results on different cars by taking the gear
> out, drilling the hole slightly bigger, and supergluing it back
> together and onto the shaft. It seems that from the factory it was a
> press fit onto the metal shaft, and once it gets brittle the stress is
> too much, but when glued on the stress is gone and I've gotten
>> 100,000 miles on my current driver with a superglued gear. The other
> cars that I fixed that way are still good, as far as I know, but a few
> were cars that I no longer own, and one is on the car that sits around
> for parts/back up car.
> On all the A1 cars that I've done it's a small red gear on the side.
> I'm not 100% sure that yours would be quite the same, but the design
> will be similar, at least.
> Erik
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Gerald Hughet <ghughet at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Good Evening List Members,
>> My 85 Quantum diesel is nearly back on the road.  However, it would be nice if I could get the speedometer working again.
>> A knowledgable mechanic suggested that there was a small gear within the dash speedometer housing that tends to break.  He referred me to a particular repair shop and a particular mechanic within that shop.  Guess what?  Retirement removed the mechanic and the computer age has removed the mechanical speedometer overhaul department.
>> I do have access to a Quantum (Gas) parts car and will trade out - if possible - the instrument panel for immediate use but do want to have the diesel instrument panel repaired.
>> Any suggestions on this?

My fix for the A1 gear:



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