[Vwdiesel] BEW timing belt

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 2 06:47:32 PDT 2010

Well, after a long weekend I cleaned the intake on my Golf, blocked the EGR valve hole off with plates but left the egr cooler to help with warming the car in the winter, installed a catch system into the crank breather to catch the oils coming from the breather, cleaned the intercooler and almost installed the boost and EGT McNally gauge comb (2 in one gauge). I think i might have messed up a little on the timing belt install. Not quite the same as the oil 1.6 NA's. I think I am a tooth off. I though I had the lock tools in correct but I fear I might have been just a little off as the code camshaft position sensor out of range came up. After doing research it means your belt just stripped teeth and failed or I installed the belt off. Since the engine turned over fine both by hand and with the starter I will assume it is off a bit and not ruined. Now I need to find out how to fix the issue. Getting the one time use torque to yield bolts in my neck of the woods is tough. Thankfully the car seat fits into my rabbit car for my wife and child while I drive the rabbit truck. 

Anyone know of a way to adjust the timing belt a tooth or so (don't know how much yet) without taking the one time use bolts off? I know the came sprocket is slotted to adjust it some but I don't know if that will be enough. I followed the procedure of one person on the net to install the belt. The hardest part was getting it over the cam sprocket and tensioner at the same time, then it goes over the water pump and then you install the idler pulley. It said to put the cam sprocket counter clockwise all the way in the adjusting slots and snug one bolt, get the belt over the sprocket and then loosen the pulley to move around while putting it over the water pump. Any help would be great. I am trying to find a place to get just the bolts separate from the kit but doesn't seem as easy. Dealers are over 150 miles away as it seems the SAAB/VW dealer in Billings MT looks like they took the VW part of the sign down (and they were still 130 miles away). 
Travis G

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