[Vwdiesel] squishy brakes?

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Tue Aug 3 17:35:29 PDT 2010

Yep, I always the pedal is sinking too, but this bottoms out. :)

Currently thinking master cylinder seals. Small leak, fast hard braking
works, slow and the pedal drops.  No leaking from connections under the
car (been there, done that, not this time.)

Slight chance of worn rotor from stuck e-brake so it's running out of
adjustment??  Don't know if this is really possible with disc brakes.

I've blown a few vac pumps, and I always had the pedal feel like a
brick.  Can't remember if it drops to the floor or stays high, though.
Once the pedal is on the floor, it feels like a brick (obviously), but I
still have some braking capacity. Any chance a brake booster issue could
cause this?

Was hoping to avoid the master cylinder, since I don't know if I can get
the bleeders out on the front brakes.  Oh well.  I'm planning on soaking
them in Kroil.  Not too excited about heat that close to the brakes,
especially since I've only got MAPP gas. Any other suggestions?


On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 17:23 -0700, Tad wrote:
> This is probably just me, but it seems like I always imagine that the pedal
> is sinking when it isn't really. :)
> On my TDI I can use up all the vacuum if I pump the pedal rapidly...
> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 4:13 PM, mark shepherd <mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk>wrote:


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