[Vwdiesel] CAM ISSUES

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 30 09:19:17 PDT 2010

Yes some BEW engines have CAM issues and don't last 50K miles and then there is plenty that are into 300K miles. Just depends. There is more stress and wear but there isn't a guarantee that the cam will fail. The BRM engines seem to have more of and issue that I have read for some reason. But if you think of it being $540 for lifters and the cam and then well say no more then $300 in torque to yield one time use bolts and bearings. That spread out over even 100K miles is still less then $.01 per mile. And the injectors last a long time in the PD engines and there isn't an injection pump that starts to leak and cause $600 in repairs to fix plus a timing belt job to get to it. Each car has there issues. I love my PD and wouldn't trade if for an ALH. So far there is few engines that don't have some known problem (toyotas and hondas included). 

As a side note I was helping my co-worker do his timing belt on his Honda and saw that the harmonic balance pulley is a bear cat to get off. Still haven't. Seems those things can really get torqued on and we are borrowing some tools from work to get it done. Saw one video of a 6 ft cheater pipe on there to break it loose. I think I will stick with VW so I don't get killed doing a timing belt from the shrapnel flying off the broken wrench if it lets loose.    
Travis G. 

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