[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 86, Issue 23

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 27 15:01:54 PST 2010

A lot of companies have sludge problems. They all seem to be in powerful 
"family" cars. I covered the VW's in the last email, I've also seen the same 
problem in several other cars. I've fixed "sludge" issues in Toyota and 
Honda V6's. I and a co-worker suspect this has to do with the short trips 
that these cars seem to make. In a short trip, and using a very small amount 
of the available power of the engine, it never fully gets up to temp, and 
thererfore cannot burn off all the impurities. We never see this problem 
with lower power cars. No sludge problem in 2.0 VW's that we've seen, nor 
4-cyl Toyotas and Hondas. But, the engines are probably run harder in the 
lower powered cars as well, so that would burn off the impurities. And of 
course, you don't see it in diesels because the diesel breaks down teh oil 
before it has a chance. And, they don't have the power of the 1.8T's, 


----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 86, Issue 23

>I heard of the VW 1.8 sludge problem from my nephew, I didn't know they 
> actually going to 'fix' it.
> He is fighting Honda over their marginal battery pack in their Civic 
> Hybrid,
> which after recent computer software upgrades; now get worse mileage than
> the non-hybrid model.
> btw, Chrysler had a problem with a sludge problem in the 2.6L (maybe 2.7L)
> V6.
> BrianG
> Iowa 

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