[Vwdiesel] Oil flow problem??

David Ross ross at hypertools.com
Sun Jan 3 17:03:35 PST 2010

Could the squealing be coming from the timing belt slipping on the 
intermediate shaft pulley?

That might explain the squealing, the loss of oil pressure (oil light 
on), and the loss of braking power.

Maybe the low temps cause the oil to thicken up just enough to cause the 
belt to slip, but the belt has enough tension to work properly when the 
oil is slightly thinner at higher ambient temps?

I'd check the timing belt tension right away, if I saw those symptoms.

Dave Ross    N7EPI

Craig Osborn wrote:
> About two weeks ago, I started my 81 pickup in 18F temperatures.  It started
> but ran rough which is usual behavior in such temperatures.  After warming
> it up for about five minutes, I proceeded to set out onto the road.  Almost
> immediately the engine started to squeal.  Initially, I thought it was a
> loose belt and ignored the noise.  After a 1/2 mile or so, the oil light
> came on and the engine lost some power.  I realized that the squeal was
> likely not a belt.  I happened to be next to an auto parts store, so I
> pulled into the lot and all of the sudden the power picked up and the oil
> light went out.  I pulled into a parking space and checked the oil level.
> It was about 1/2 quart low.  I added a 1/2 quart of oil and restarted the
> truck.  It ran fine.  It did not seem to be damaged from the incident as I
> was able to drive it the rest of the way home (54 miles in a mountainous
> region).
> I drove the truck regularly over the next two weeks without incident in
> temperatures ranging from 25F to 40F.  The engine ran smoothly with normal
> power, almost no smoke (fuel or oil).
> Today, I started the truck in 10F temperatures and let it warm up for over
> 20 minutes while I cleared snow from my driveway.  The truck idled smoothly
> the entire time and came up to full normal operating temperature in the 20
> minute period.   I decided to take the truck out and fill the tank in
> preparation for my Monday commute.  I  made it about three city blocks away
> from my home when the oil light came on and the engine started to squeal.  I
> lost braking power as if the vacuum assist system stopped working ,and the
> engine started to run rough.  This time I shut it down quickly and parked it
> on the side of the road.  I waited 30 seconds and tried to restart it.  It
> cranked very slow like it was overheated and close to being seized and would
> not start.  I walked home, ate dinner and walked back to the car about 45
> minutes later.  It started normally and ran fine the whole way home.  The
> oil level is at the full mark.
> Is it possible that the oil is congealing at cold temperatures and not
> allowing the oil to circulate?  It has been about 9000 miles since the last
> oil change.  
> Additional info--
> - I use a blend 10w40 diesel oil in the truck-
> - The truck is driven about 500 miles every week and uses around 1/2 quart
> of oil each week.    
> - The side of the engine block is wet with oil from the head gasket down.
> It has been this way for the past two years.  I regularly check and fill the
> oil.
> -- The antifreeze does get discolored after around 30,000 miles.  (Head
> gasket??)
> - There is sometimes, but not always a small amount of pressure in the
> coolant reservoir (Head Gasket??).
> - I do not see any coolant in the oil. 
> - There is no unusual water vapor in the exhaust at startup (other then
> normal vapor when it is cold outside). 
> \
> Can anyone help diagnose the problem?  I am afraid to drive it to work.
> Craig 
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