[Vwdiesel] Oil flow problem??

Craig Osborn cosborn at epix.net
Sun Jan 3 20:07:52 PST 2010

I replaced the original diaphragm vacuum pump with a "newer design" rotary
vacuum pump this summer.  I mention this in case that makes the system more
susceptible to a Vpump lock up in cold weather.  In your opinion, should I
go back to the diaphragm style pump?  I will look for leaks in all of the
hoses and fittings.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sandy Cameron [mailto:scameron at storm.ca] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 9:03 PM
> To: Craig Osborn; vwdiesel at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Oil flow problem??
> At 07:26 PM 1/3/2010 -0500, you wrote:
> >but ran rough which is usual behavior in such temperatures.  After 
> >warming it up for about five minutes, I proceeded to set out 
> onto the 
> >road.  Almost immediately the engine started to squeal.  
> Initially, I 
> >thought it was a loose belt and ignored the noise.  After a 
> 1/2 mile or 
> >so, the oil light came on and the engine lost some power.
> Boy, you were lucky! 
> The oil pump is driven by the accs'y shaft, which has a 
> smooth faced pulley that runs against the back (smooth) face 
> of the timing belt. Friction drive ONLY.
> A combination of heavy oil and a not quite tight enough 
> timing belt could stall the oil pump long enough to cause a seize-up
> I suspect ice in the vacuum pump might be the real culprit. 
> It is co-shafted with the oil pump, and if there are leaks in 
> the vacuum system, enough moisture could be drawn in to it to 
> freeze up the V-pump, stalling the oil pump, accy shaft, etc.
> The screech was caused by the timing belt screeching over the 
> face of the acc'y shaft pulley.  The oil pressure light 
> should have been on the whole time, unless the ice that 
> stalled the V-pump was sucked in after the engine started. My 
> guess is it stalled the pump at the same time as the screech started.
> Better check your V-pump, plumbing, etc. The timing belt 
> tension is probably OK, or the next sound you would have 
> heard would have been bearing failure!
> Sandy
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