[Vwdiesel] Oil flow problem??

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 3 21:35:38 PST 2010

I had something similar. I installed a rotary style vac pump and it locked up when some grit came through the nipple that I couldn't get out before install. I changed the timing belt just because I didn't trust it after it rubbing on the pulley. It is cheap to do. If I were you I would get a head gasket, a timing belt and tensioner and possibly a vac pump rebuild kit and you should have a good running truck for a while again. Might want to change oil too as you don't want any water that is in the oil going back up into the vac pump. Might want to compression check the engine if it was bad enough without oil. Also might want to pull a main bearing off to check if your bearings are ruined. Granted that might be overkill but I figure it is cheaper then finding a replacement engine since this isn't the first time it did this (I saw my oil pressure gauge drop so I did catch mine in time). Hope it goes OK. Maybe others on here will think I am advising overkill as well. 
Travis G

P.S. As a side note my father got the JD 140 with the VW engine unloaded. The tranny dis engagement lever was frozen so and it was -27 dF. So they dumped some water on the ramps and it slide right off. They haven't started it yet that I now off as they are waiting for it to thaw out some. 
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