[Vwdiesel] Oil flow problem??

lbaird119 at aol.com lbaird119 at aol.com
Sun Jan 3 23:40:07 PST 2010

  I agree with it being the timing belt slipping on the int. shaft.  That 
explains the squealing, the loss of oil pressure and loss of brake boost.
With dino (or even blend) I bet your problem is probably two things.  
Running that oil 9K miles and likely a slightly loose timing belt.

  I run 15W/40 and change it every 5K (easy to keep track of).  One 
time I went over and figured no biggie since it went 7,500 and the 
book calls for that interval.  It gets thick when cold, really thin 
when warm, started burning oil, the exhaust even smelled of it.  I 
thought I was looking at some major problems.  Changed the oil 
and all was well.
  I'd guess your oil is way thick when cold and is causing a slightly 
loose, possibly slightly damp (condensation) timing belt to slip.

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