[Vwdiesel] A4 engine mounts concluded (hopefully)

dieseltdi at verizon.net dieseltdi at verizon.net
Wed Jan 13 18:22:58 PST 2010

Hey Shalyn, next time you need to get the car into a garage to work on  
and it is drivable, just remember I am in Grapevine!!!!  Hayden
On Jan 13, 2010, at 8:19 PM, Shalyn Shourds wrote:

> On 1/13/2010 10:04 AM, Bryan Belman wrote:
>> Shalyn, you are making me feel like a whimp.  You are doing this
>> outdoors and at night.  You do not live in S. California, do you.
>> You are in a cold place like the rest of us, no?
>> Nice work, were do you get the go-nads?
> I can't take too much credit.  I'm in Ft. Worth, TX.  :)  I did work  
> on
> it one night till 2 AM recently when it was switching between rain and
> snow all night at 33º.  I broke down and bought a tarp for that night.
> What's really impressive is working on it in August.  That's why I  
> have
> "Craftsman" branded into my left hand.
> Actually, that's a lie, but it's distubingly easy to get heat  
> exhaustion
> then.
> -Shalyn
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" Those who are willing to sacrifice Liberty for Security, deserve  
neither Liberty nor Security."  Ben Franklin

Visit my website at:  http://mysite.verizon.net/resosxp8/mydieselpages/
Proud owner of:
2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD, K&N Filter
2004 Jetta GL PD TDI, Inmotion Tuning Stage 1 Tuning, K&N Filter,  
ScanGauge II
1968 Beetle, my latest project, watch for details
And many, many, many VWs; from a 1946 Beetle (13 Beetles total), to  
Vans (5 - 3 splitties, 2 bay window (both were campers), 1 Vanagon  
Westy, Rabbits (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (7), Passats (2), Dasher  
(1), New Beetle (1), and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but not  

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