[Vwdiesel] A4 engine mounts concluded (hopefully)

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Wed Jan 13 18:19:41 PST 2010

On 1/13/2010 10:04 AM, Bryan Belman wrote:
> Shalyn, you are making me feel like a whimp.  You are doing this 
> outdoors and at night.  You do not live in S. California, do you.
> You are in a cold place like the rest of us, no?
> Nice work, were do you get the go-nads?

I can't take too much credit.  I'm in Ft. Worth, TX.  :)  I did work on 
it one night till 2 AM recently when it was switching between rain and 
snow all night at 33º.  I broke down and bought a tarp for that night.

What's really impressive is working on it in August.  That's why I have 
"Craftsman" branded into my left hand.
Actually, that's a lie, but it's distubingly easy to get heat exhaustion 

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