[Vwdiesel] More Quantum questions?

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 16 21:50:12 PST 2010

It's a notch in mine, not a mark. Not sure why yours is just a mark, unless 
someone put one in there that didn't have any marks, then just painted one 
on there.

You can use a piece of wire in the #1 cylinder hole. Pull the injector, and 
put it in there. Then, just turn the engine over till the wire is pushed out 
the maximum. That's your TDC. You can also use #4 (if it's easier for you), 
as they are in time with each other, just 180 out. IOW, #1 and #4 go up and 
down together. And, #2 and #3 are also together. Once again, just 180 out 
from each other.

Once you get TDC, I'd definately find a way to make a permenant mark there.


----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: [Vwdiesel] More Quantum questions?

> In attempting to clean  rust off the flywheel,  I accidentally erased the 
> "O" TDC mark on my flywheel. Is there a way to find & mark TDC on my 
> flywheel without removing the head to see when the #1 piston is at maximum 
> height? In attempting to re-time my engine I apparently moved the timming 
> off enough so that when I turn the engine over by hand, either clock wise 
> or contra clockwise, a piston hits a valve & you can't turn the engine 
> further. I have not tried to force it. I wonder if I could find TDC by 
> marking on the IP gear how far in either direction I could go till I hit a 
> valve with a piston, & mark TDC as half ways between these two points? Or 
> is TDC more than or less than half way between these two points? I just 
> checked & there are four gear points between the point where the piston 
> hits a valve.
> My suggestion would be to mark in a more permanent manor such as drilling 
> a small hole at TDC before doing any timming adjustments on the engine. If 
> I am wrong, please correct me.
> Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA

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