[Vwdiesel] electrical troubles

David Ross ross at hypertools.com
Wed Jan 20 17:39:34 PST 2010

  Does anyone know where I can find a wiring diagram (schematic) for an 
'84 Rabbit "L" diesel?  I have the Bentley Rabbit/Jetta Diesel manual 
but none of the diagrams in it are accurate for my car.

  Specifically I am trying to chase down a headlight problem.  While 
driving on high-beams, the headlights will blink off and on a few times, 
and then go off entirely.  They do not go dim or flicker, they just go 
off entirely.  Driving on low-beams seems to be better -  I have rarely 
seem the same symptoms on low-beams.

  This car has a neat feature -  if I am driving with the headlights on, 
then stop and turn off the engine but leave the headlights turned on, 
the headlights will go out when the engine stops but the running lights 
& taillights will stay lit.  Somewhere there is circuitry which senses 
that the engine has stopped and shuts off the headlights but leaves the 
running lights on.
  Where is this circuitry?  Could this circuitry be related to my 
headlight problem?

thanks for any help or suggestions
Dave Ross    N7EPI

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