[Vwdiesel] Electrical Troubles.

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Wed Jan 20 22:02:52 PST 2010

I will tell you what I did on my 1979 Citroen CX 2500 diesel but should be applicable to other cars including VWs.
My Citroen CX has a headlite switch that is very expensive to replace, around $300 for the switch alone, & I am not willing to pay that price. The CX, as near as near as I can determine, does not have relays for the headlites which is true of many other cars. Don't know if this applies to VWs. I rebuilt the switch as best I could, then installed a separate relay for high & low beam for each headlite, or 4 relays. I then installed fog lights thru a relay with separate wiring & turn them on so if the headlite switch mal functions, as it still does sometimes, I will have lights as I hate to be driving on a dark road at night & suddenly loose all my lights.
Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA

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