[Vwdiesel] Front end sub-frame

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 12 17:00:55 PST 2010

It's actually not all that hard to replace. You will have to unbolt the steering rack, and the rear engine mount IIRC. THen, support the engine from underneath (I usually put a 12" piece of 2x6 under the oil pan. THen, four bolts and it will come off the car. At that point, you have te remove the control arms from it, and I think that should be all. It's been a few years, though, so I might be forgetting some things. It's the same as the Golf also, and should be fairly plentiful.

BTW, my last three cars have been from the rust belt, and I feel your pain.


>Subject: [Vwdiesel] Front end sub-frame
>Hello all;
>I have a 92 Jetta Ecodiesel:  The front suspension "subframe" cracked on the
>drivers side behind where the rear of the front control arm attaches
>in. Obviously destabilized the drivers side front wheel enough that I
>noticed it, jacked it up, looked, and said "Holy Crap!!"   I don't think I
>hit anything, just old age, metal fatigue, miles, and living in the rust
>Anyone ever replaced this subframe piece?  Issues you ran into?  Do the
>engine mounts attach to this subframe?  Worth the hassle, or at this point
>(370K miles) scrap car and move on?  Dare I try to weld this with it in
>place, or don't bother?  I know these questions are a lot of "it depends"...
>just looking for and appreciate any thoughts.
>I imagine there aren't many cars in this area (Milwaukee, WI area) that
>survive long enough for this to happen?

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