[Vwdiesel] Front end sub-frame

Chris Geiser cfgeiser at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 18:02:05 PST 2010

Thanks!!  A quick call to Part Place today - they didn't have access to new,
and didn't have any used.  Apparently this fails more often.  Dealer has
them available for $600... Hope not to spend that, but in the grand scheme
of things, that's only one or two car payments and I'm back to even...
When I looked quickly, didn't look like too bad a job, but there's always
the rust factor and the "secret bolts"...


On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Tony and Lillie <
tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net> wrote:

> It's actually not all that hard to replace. You will have to unbolt the
> steering rack, and the rear engine mount IIRC. THen, support the engine from
> underneath (I usually put a 12" piece of 2x6 under the oil pan. THen, four
> bolts and it will come off the car. At that point, you have te remove the
> control arms from it, and I think that should be all. It's been a few years,
> though, so I might be forgetting some things. It's the same as the Golf
> also, and should be fairly plentiful.
> BTW, my last three cars have been from the rust belt, and I feel your pain.
> Tony
> >Subject: [Vwdiesel] Front end sub-frame
> >
> >Hello all;
> >
> >I have a 92 Jetta Ecodiesel:  The front suspension "subframe" cracked on
> the
> >drivers side behind where the rear of the front control arm attaches
> >in. Obviously destabilized the drivers side front wheel enough that I
> >noticed it, jacked it up, looked, and said "Holy Crap!!"   I don't think I
> >hit anything, just old age, metal fatigue, miles, and living in the rust
> >belt.
> >
> >Anyone ever replaced this subframe piece?  Issues you ran into?  Do the
> >engine mounts attach to this subframe?  Worth the hassle, or at this point
> >(370K miles) scrap car and move on?  Dare I try to weld this with it in
> >place, or don't bother?  I know these questions are a lot of "it
> depends"...
> >just looking for and appreciate any thoughts.
> >
> >I imagine there aren't many cars in this area (Milwaukee, WI area) that
> >survive long enough for this to happen?
> >
> >Chris

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