[Vwdiesel] Front end sub-frame

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Fri Mar 12 18:17:26 PST 2010

On 3/12/2010 7:00 PM, Tony and Lillie wrote:
> It's actually not all that hard to replace. You will have to unbolt the steering rack, and the rear engine mount IIRC. THen, support the engine from underneath (I usually put a 12" piece of 2x6 under the oil pan. THen, four bolts and it will come off the car. At that point, you have te remove the control arms from it, and I think that should be all. It's been a few years, though, so I might be forgetting some things. It's the same as the Golf also, and should be fairly plentiful.
> BTW, my last three cars have been from the rust belt, and I feel your pain.
> Tony

Agreed.  I just R&R'd the one on my '85 Jetta in order to replace the 
steering rack and it's not all that bad.  The only reason it's taken me 
forever is that I'm not especially motivated.  There's also the matter 
of having to pull the front shift bushing carrier, but I needed to 
replace the shifter ball in the cab anyways.  I'm also taking the 
opportunity to replace all of the other various bearings and bushings in 
the front suspension.  At 315,000, a disturbing number of them were 
just...gone.  The car still handled pretty well, so I'm eagerly 
anticipating getting to drive it when I get it put back together 
finally.  I went ahead and put in a little stiffer bushings all the way 
around.  Not that much more expensive and if they're irritatingly firm, 
I don't drive that car much these days so it won't matter.


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