[Vwdiesel] 2001 Golf smelly exhaust

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Sat May 1 06:30:59 PDT 2010

hi gang
some of you may remember my 01 Golf was re-assembled wrong after an alternator replacement by a local shop
they left off the spring clamp on the hard plastic intake pipe
as a result, the turbo blew the pipe off the hose and the engine was sucking in unfiltered air w/o the turbo boost
the hard pipe ran into the serpentine pulley and was shredded up, and oil was spraying all over the engine compartment from the separation in the ducting
I complained initially of VERY poor running, they encouraged me to 'drive it hard' to 'reset the computer'
then I discovered the disconnected pipe, and they, to their credit, replaced the pipe for free and changed the oil


ever since this incident, the engine has been smelling 'bad'
like unburnt fuel, disagreeable diesel smell
before this, it was virtually odorless
car is running fine, and economy is good - I am seeing 46-48mpg
so it can't be running TOO bad

but what might cause smelly exhaust?
anything else liable to have been contaminated/damaged by driving @30 miles w/ intake duct disconnected?
what got screwed up?

thanks for any thoughts,

Rolf in MA

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