[Vwdiesel] AAZ 1. 9 liter turbo diesel engine

Arkady Mirvis arkadymirvis at gmail.com
Mon May 24 23:20:40 PDT 2010

Did anyone install AAZ 1.9 liter turbo diesel engine in 1991 ( non turbo ) 
diesel  ( 1.6 liter ) Jetta? I do have an absolutely new complete  (minus AC 
compressor and alternator) AAZ engine. This powerful engine attracted me 
with its simplicity, durability and simplicity.
I made an adapter to the turbo exhaust flange to mate the cast iron pipe of 
my 1991 Jetta.
I plan to mate the gearbox to AAZ engine. Will I have problems? Is it a good 
mate? Any info is greatly appreciated. Ark 

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