[Vwdiesel] Stuck rings

toensing at wildblue.net toensing at wildblue.net
Fri Nov 26 22:29:35 PST 2010

Amsoil has a product called "engine flush". Add a quart to the engine & let it idle for a half hour but don't drive it. Then drain & replace with Amsoil full synthetic (many choices available). Probably the best would be their 10W 10 engine. This oil is highly detergent & might aggravate the problem rather than solve. Depends on whether there is still some spring left in the rings. Then they will then spring out & solve the problem. However if there in no longer any spring tension left in the rings, cleaning out the carbon may aggravate the problem & increase oil consumption as carbon behind  the rings may be hold what tension is remaining by removing the carbon. Guess it is worth the gamble since the engine would otherwise have to be overhauled anyway.
Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA

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