[Vwdiesel] Quantum Milage pre & post re-ring

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 7 14:35:09 PDT 2010

Diesels aren't the same. If you let off the throttle on at least the new TDI cars it totally cuts fuel when in gear. I am not saying to downshift as you are braking but it is best to hold it in gear till you are down to around idle RPM then put in neutral. I am not a fan of burning the clutch up either. I use a Scan guage II which basically tells the same things and it will show 9999MPG when coasting in gear and it will show like 100 MPG coasting out of gear. Not a huge savings but if you coast down a whole mountain the savings both on brakes and fuel works. 
Travis G 

> Since 1996, all new cars sold in the USA have to be OBD 2 compliant
 which means that any car must have a standardized plug that you can 
plug in an OBD 2 reader to find any problems stored on the car's 
computer. Mark, I don't know if this applies to cars sold in the UK. The
 reason I mention this is that I bought an MPG meter that plugs into the
 OBD 2 port on my 2001 Focus from JC Whitney. The brand of the meter is 
Kiwi & it is made in Calif., not China. It has several functions, of
 which one reads average MPG & another reads instant MPG. It is 
interesting to watch MPG readings while decelerating. If I put the car 
in neutral & use the brakes to stop I get readings of 150 MPG. If I 
slow down while in top gear or 5 th gear, MPG will run from 90 to 120 
MPG. If I shift into 3rd using the engine to slow down, which I often 
do, MPG is around 45 MPG. Observation: For maximum MPG, when braking, 
put the gear box into neutral & use the brakes to slow down. 
Shifting the gear box into a lower gear to avoid using the brakes 
results in a lower MPG, but does save on brake pads. I can see how a 
Prius gets 50 MPG (USA) because it can recapture energy used in braking.
> Bill Toensing 		 	   		  

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