[Vwdiesel] Sunroof drain recall

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 9 09:38:40 PDT 2010

I live to far away to mess around with that small a recall with no damage. The ruber nipple you can see when you open the front doors can cause build up and plug. You are suppose to cut it so it is more free flowing. That wasn't my issue. The hose inside was kinked its whole life (live where it doesn't rain much and the rears worked). I pulled the nipple out to find the hose kinked and a bunch of water came out when I cut the kink out. Hoses were to long. Carefull you don't pull to hard on the hose because if it comes off the nipple in the sunroof you have to take the headliner out to reattach. That is some peoples issue. Test with a water bottle and the sun roof open. You should be able to pour water through with it draining out the nipple areas and no place else. If you didn't have water stains on your headliner and you don't have any mold you are good to go, just dry out. If you do have mold or damage call the dealer and see if it is covered. If you had a leak this time you may have had others that caused mold under the pading. They are suppose to cover the damages untill the fund runs out. The back ones don't seem to clog as much but the nipples are under the bumper and hard to get at. I got one from the tail light hole in the trunk area of my Golf hatch for the right side and had to cut the nipple on the left rear reaching blindly through the bumper being careful not to clip wires as I was in there. My floors have been dry since. 
Travis G 		 	   		  

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