[Vwdiesel] 89 Jetta high mileage

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Mon Sep 13 02:40:56 PDT 2010

I am one of those who keeps a continuous log of MPG in my cars & I found that MPG can vary considerably be it town or country driving, use of A/C, speed, & head or tail wind. My first diesel was a 5 speed '79 Rabbit with European delivery(Paris but that is another story). The VW did not at that time have a radio, A/C or extra fuel tank, all of which were installed once the car was shipped to LA. The only time I ever got over 40 MPG was when I got 42 MPG during one time in Europe, don't recall where. Other wise it was in the low to middle '30s. I used the formula, one USA gallon = 3.785 liters. MPG fell into the low 30s on the Autobahn where I drove flat out but it would only do 80 MPH so most of the time was in the slow lane.
With my 2001 Ford Focus I have obtained from 20 MPG to 37 MPG. I have frequently obtained 37 MPG heading East on I-80 at 75 MPH , BUT with a heavy tail wind estimated at 30 to 40 MPH. Also once in western Ontario, Canada driving at 55 MPH as the speed limit was posted at 90 KPH & use of a radar detector was prohibited, & I didn't want to get any tickets. Was cool enough to keep the windows closed & not use A/C. Got 37 MPG under those conditions too. 
I have a Kiwi MPG meter which reads in instant & average MPG (bought last year from JC Whitney & it shows an overall average of 26.5 MPG even though I sometimes get more or less actual MPG. Surprisingly this meter was made in the USA, not China & actually made in the SF Bay area of Calif. This meter plugs into the OBD 2 port so I think it would work in any 1996 or later car that has an OBD 2 port. I think VW & Mercedes diesels 1996 & later have then too, but not sure of this.
In quoting MPG please state whether it is in USA or Imperial gallons, which is larger but don't know the metric equilivant of an Imperial gallon.. When comparing MPG it is necessary to compare apples with apples.
Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA

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