[Vwdiesel] Clutch slipping?

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 17:30:35 PDT 2010

Why do you care about keeping the engine TDC? There's no need for the
engine to be in any specific place to change the clutch. It can be
anywhere in its cycle. There's no specific requirement to keep any
certain rotational alignment between the flywheel and the transmission
input shaft. (As soon as you press the clutch pedal in with the engine
running you've changed that, anyway.)

As far as how to hook to the engine - I just use the hefty hole at the
back side of the head. (Well, towards the front of the car, but at the
end of the engine right up against the transmission.)


On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Bud <budski at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, I'll bite the bullet and order the clutch kit and flywheel
> tomorrow and start prepping it until the kit comes in later in the
> day.
> Any pointers on keeping the engine TDC?  Also I have a steel bar and
> chain, where do people wind up wrapping the chain around on the
> engine?  I'll support the bar across the fenders.
> Thanks,
> Bud
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