[Vwdiesel] Signs of Worn Cam Syndrome

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Sat Sep 25 21:15:02 PDT 2010

Reply to Shawn Wright. I believe the primary reason for the belly pan is to reduce air drag. They may also be there to protect various moving engine parts from debris being thrown from the road into the engine bay. They are also good for catching nuts, bolts, tools, etc but doubt the factory installed them for that purpose.
I also have removed the timming belt covers from both my Dasher & Quantum but may reinstall them once I get the various issues sorted out. I think the belly pans are stock but have probably been removed by prior owners for access to various components such as engine mounts, starters, etc. Like wise, the timming belt covers.
 Right now, the TB covers are removed from my Dasher, Quantum, & Focus. The factory probably put them there for safety reasons.
Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA

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