[Vwdiesel] Signs of Worn Cam Syndrome

Jim Arnott jrasite at eoni.com
Sun Sep 26 10:09:40 PDT 2010

On the Vanagon diesels, they were required by TUV for noise reduction.  
(From 'Journeys Under Difficult Conditions' Page 20 "Note:
The power unit protection plate can only be installed on VW  
Transporter vehicles with Diesel engine when the noise capsule is  
removed, this Is however not permitted in Germany. Vehicles with the  
power unit protection plate can only be driven outside the Federal  
Republic of Germany.")

Might be part of the reason for other vehicles.


On Sep 25, 2010, at 9:15 PM, William J Toensing wrote:

> I believe the primary reason for the belly pan is to reduce air  
> drag. They may also be there to protect various moving engine parts  
> from debris being thrown from the road into the engine bay. They are  
> also good for catching nuts, bolts, tools, etc but doubt the factory  
> installed them for that purpose.

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