[Vwdiesel] Ways of cooling an AAZ

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Sep 28 18:02:26 PDT 2010

In a message dated 9/28/2010 12:39:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
dieselwesty at yahoo.com writes:

> So, if you do not have coolant 
> lines running to this you will have an issue with hot motor, I have never 
> seen a 
> vw diesel running without coolant running though this, but I am sure they 
> could 
> run, they are just going to run hot.

  Politely I say bah!  :-D
  It MAY run hot in warm to hot weather under a load/hill.  I have a 
turbo on the Dasher, with no oil cooler and an oil temp gauge.  Oil 
temps would heat up on hills (been so long I don't recall exactly what) 
but nobody thought it high when I first asked around (245F?  260F?)
It just didn't go higher.  A TDI should go higher though, but I still 
wouldn't expect it to get anywhere near an air cooled beetle in AZ in 
the summer!

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