[Vwdiesel] '00 Golf IP pump seal problem

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat Aug 20 19:23:48 PDT 2011

In a message dated 8/20/2011 9:44:25 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
spsherm at msn.com writes:

>I don't think it is a fuel line leak, only because I don't see  any fuel 
>leak spots under or on the lines. And the fuel mist which  ends up 
>covering the IP and surrounding area doesn't point to a line  leak (I 
>don't think).

  Most fuel line leaks that cause starting or power problems,  usually 
don't leak fuel, at least for a while.
  With a mist of fuel on the pump, it sounds like high  pressure.  Not 
sure if the distributor to body o-ring is high pressure but don't  think 
it is, which would lead me to look at the 4 high pressure lines for  a 
slightly loose fitting or crack or such (missing brackets usually cause  

>Could be a filter I suppose. This one is only 5k miles old,  and have 
>been running petro diesel for this time, so seems a bit too  soon for it 
>to be clogged.  I'll do a quick check trying to pull  fuel from the 
>filter directly and see if that happens.
  Those things usually leak around the plastic thingy on top.   Only 
cure I've found is replacing the stupid thing.  Dad's had a few K on  
it and died on the highway, sub freezing temps.  Once we figured it  
out, we put an A2 filter on it and ran the return back to the pump and  
eliminated the cycle back/fuel heat, plastic thingy.

>Doubt  it's glow plugs.  Just checked them a few weeks ago and it's been  
>in the 80's (F) here. Warm enough that it should start just fine even  
>without the GPs. (and the GPs would not likely cause an empty clear  fuel 
  Surprisingly, even at those temps, they often need a second or two  of 
glow time to start/start well.  I recently had to crank and crank to  start 
mine and an independent shop told me it sounded EXACTLY like glow 
plugs.  It was in the 80's roughly, at that time.

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