[Vwdiesel] '00 Golf IP pump seal problem

Stephen Sherman spsherm at msn.com
Tue Aug 23 15:15:34 PDT 2011

An update...

Checked the fuel filter, and the mitee vac can easily suck fuel through 
it and the clear line. So no blockage there.

No fuel mist inside the Tbelt area, so don't think it is leaking from 
the front seal.

Tried eliminating fuel lines (return line to filter and return line from 
the injectors to the pump), no difference.

Checked injector lines for loose fittings and/or cracks, no obvious ones 
(although a tiny crack or pinhole may not be visible). But no large 
dirt/fuel spots on the lines/nuts.

Was ready to throw in the towel and go ahead with the distributor Oring 
replacement, and started doing a real good cleanup of the pump.  Two odd 
things: First most of the really hard to remove dirt was right at/below 
the seams where the top cover and alum casting right below it are.  
(Perhaps those are the source of the leak) Anyhow, brushed everything 
with carb cleaner, and now am down to bright clean metal on all 
accessible surfaces of the IP.

Tried pulling fuel through one more time, and guess what, it works now.  
Fuel was sucked through the IP and into the return line.  Connected all 
the disconnected fuel lines and it started right up.  Have not gotten 
the nerve to drive it any distance, but all seems well, except for a 
small stream of bubbles in the clear fuel line (which wasn't there a few 
weeks ago).

While I would like to think everything is solved, I very much doubt it. 
Two possibilities come to mind:

1. There was an air leak at connection of one of the fuel lines I 
removed, and by taking it apart and reassembling it, the leak went away. 
Would be nice if this were it, but I doubt it.

2. The carb cleaner softened up the leaky oring, whichever one(s) it is, 
and it started sealing again. I expect if this is the case, then in a 
day or two, when the cleaner solvent evaporates it will start leaking 
air again.  Only time will tell if this is it. However with the pump 
outside squeaky clean, I should be able to detect any leaks by wiping 
with a clean paper towel.  So hopefully this will catch it.

Any other possibilities I have overlooked?

Any insights from folks that have been here before?


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