[Vwdiesel] Injectors?

Just Joe stuff at wormshit.com
Sat Dec 3 09:49:07 PST 2011

My '82 Rabbit 1.6 n/a has always been a hard starter in the winter, would
smoke a bit while cold while puttering a bit, but once warmed up purred like
a kitten.  Well, after a recent 250 mile trip this is no longer the case.
It's now nearly impossible to start, idles rough, and smokes constantly.
The injector pump is only 3 years old, so I'm guessing at least one of my
injectors is shot?  Can this happen this quickly that one day it's fine and
the next it's not?  And do I dare drive it like this?  I need to make the
return 250 mile trip no later than Monday, so either I push my luck or find
alternate transportation.



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