[Vwdiesel] Does anyone have an extra alt. pulley

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Tue Dec 6 13:36:03 PST 2011

At 01:17 PM 12/6/2011 -0800, you wrote:
>Humm, how do I keep it from spinning the shaft.  Should I try and hold the
fan blade or something with a thick rag.?

Not a problem. The mass of the rotor is more than enough to back-up the
impact. The impact does it, not the rotation torque.

Set the impact for MAX, (4) set direction to unscrew. set the alternator on
the floor, put your boot on the fan and give it a quick squirt . It will be
off before you can let go of the trigger. it won't turn the rotor/ shaft at all.

Impact is NOT required to put it back on. If you are lazy and want to use it
anyway set it to the wimpiest  setting (1) and snug it up.

Air wrench was the best tool investment I ever made. Cheap too!

Any compressor will work if it can build over 100#. Don't need a big, high
volume for the wrench It does it's work in seconds, and if not, you need a
6ft breaker bar and a huge, well-anchored vise.


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