[Vwdiesel] oops Re: [Audi-VW-Diesels] RE: Cheapo rebuild--Crankshaft

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat Feb 12 13:06:15 PST 2011

In a message dated 2/12/2011 11:16:19 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
davevw at yahoo.com writes:

> Lets say I consider the JB Weld idea, cause I'm in a "pinch" as Loren 
> said...
> How would I go about doing that and having the best odds?  The bearings in 
> the motor look really good to me.

  Coat your key, lightly with a release agent or thin film of oil.  Put 
it where it belongs (hopefully there's enough deep material that 
will indicate where it belongs, then fill around it with JB.  I'm guessing 
that this keyway doesn't have a key but a nub in your balancer?  
So, you'll need to make something the same as your nub so you can
put it in place like a key.  When it's set, remove the key/mock-up 
and file excess off until your (or a new one) balancer fits on properly.
Ok, probably not the balancer but the lower timing pulley.  Maybe 
you'd be able to use it instead of a mock-up but you risk glueing it 
to the crank, fairly permantly.

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