[Vwdiesel] Belt tightening

raymond greeley rgreeley2 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 22 22:16:02 PST 2011

it is good to have one working eh! winter can strain the fleetI am still searching for a workable caddy if anyone knows of such a beast
> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 00:07:52 -0600
> From: sshourds at flash.net
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Belt tightening
> On 2/22/2011 9:34 PM, Chris Geiser wrote:
> >
> > Standard PS belt (according to dealer) was always too tight on my 
> > 92... but I never remembered until I was home and tried to put it 
> > on... then had to go back and get a bigger one - I think I eyeball'd 
> > it at the hardware store compared to old one...
> >
> > CG
> >
> >
> That's what I needed to know.  Went to the Autozone (it's the only one 
> open this late, sadly) and bought the next size up.  Square in the 
> middle of the adjustment range.  Drove the car around some, no parts 
> fell off, and I'm going to unilaterally declare it good.
> To follow up, I'd asked a while back about thermostats leaking and the 
> car never heating up.  Granted, it's still probably 65ºF out there 
> (weird, weird winter here), but with the new thermostat, the needle was 
> where it used always to be on the temp. gauge.
> Now that this one's back together, I can scatter the TDI all over my 
> garage   :(
> Thanks for the really fast responses.
> -Shalyn
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