[Vwdiesel] Belt tightening

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Feb 22 22:07:52 PST 2011

On 2/22/2011 9:34 PM, Chris Geiser wrote:
> Standard PS belt (according to dealer) was always too tight on my 
> 92... but I never remembered until I was home and tried to put it 
> on... then had to go back and get a bigger one - I think I eyeball'd 
> it at the hardware store compared to old one...
> CG

That's what I needed to know.  Went to the Autozone (it's the only one 
open this late, sadly) and bought the next size up.  Square in the 
middle of the adjustment range.  Drove the car around some, no parts 
fell off, and I'm going to unilaterally declare it good.

To follow up, I'd asked a while back about thermostats leaking and the 
car never heating up.  Granted, it's still probably 65ºF out there 
(weird, weird winter here), but with the new thermostat, the needle was 
where it used always to be on the temp. gauge.

Now that this one's back together, I can scatter the TDI all over my 
garage   :(

Thanks for the really fast responses.


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