[Vwdiesel] Belts

Bryan Belman dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 23 06:54:49 PST 2011

Well, my experiences with trying to run a 1.6 timing belt on my 1.9na motor were 
not good.  I ended up with valve contact and it never really seemed as if I know 
where the timing was??  The #1 exhaust lifter ended up shattering after 
continued contact from the valve stem and valve hitting the piston.

I would not put a 1.9 belt on a 1.6 motor, there is a difference in size 
somewhere.  The 1.6 built would not go on my 1.9 motor without shifting the pump 
way back and still would be 1/2 a tooth off because the 1.9 block and head are 
larger.  After the lifter blew, I put on a 1.9 belt and never had an issue.  
Overland was the one that was saying you could run your 1.6 belt on the block.  
never did that again.
Ken, who has 2 of the 1.9na from overland set me strait on that many years ago, 
run the 1.9 belt.

 Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :<)
92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel, 5sp -- running :<)
82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- running :<)
70 Type 1 stock Elm Green Beetle -- Under Restoration :-) 

From: Travis Gottschalk <tgott at hotmail.com>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Wed, February 23, 2011 9:33:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Belts

One thing to remember is not only does a belt get longer (stretches) but it also 
gets thinner which makes it sit deeper in the v-belt groove causing it to be 
even looser. A new one will be wide and unstretched again. As with the Conti 
belt I have one that I put in the trash (but haven't emptied it) as it said made 
in Mexico and I am worried about it not lasting as I have heard rumors that they 
have had timing belt failures with them. I hate to through a new belt away as I 
bought it (can't remember from where) and found out it was that. I have another 
belt that was made in Germany and it has a different part number. Says it works 
on the 1.9 D, TD and TDI. So wouldn't that also work on a 1.6 D. I compared the 
belts and they appeared the same size in length, width and tooth spacing. The 
german one feels better and has better teeth to it (the conti one has little 
notches in the teeth and the german one doesn't. Also, how hard it is to replace 
a leaking seal on the injection pump input shaft? Brother and I both have the 
same issue. Brother never had his pump worked on in 4 years and it now leaking. 
My pump was rebuilt at parts place in 07 but I know there quality isn't the 
greatest on the pumps and they even had to change re builders due to quality. I 
am hoping the bushing/bearing end isn't wore from the belt too tight or 
something. Don't really have the money to dump into that truck when I can't haul 
my kid wife and myself in it but it is a good thing to haul things and incase I 
am wrenching on another car.

For those interested the Colt Cam is almost here. Brother prepaid and should get 
one mid march. I am going to get one for my BEW engined Golf as well since both 
our cams are on there way out. 

The injector issue that was brought up-water can destroy the injector fast. It 
flash boils the injector tip and explodes basically. Some industrial JD 
equipment have had there tip of the injector totally blow off. In the smaller 
sense the water will at least inlarge the injector spray holes with each flash 
boil causing it to spit rather then spray. 

Travis G
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