[Vwdiesel] AC Compressor Squealing Woes

Stephen Kraus ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 20:42:43 PST 2011

So my 1998 Jetta TDI's AC compressor is on the fritz. Granted, it works
excellent, still blows cold air and when I activate it the clutch engages
hard. I suspect the AC pulley bearings as the squeal does not go away when
the AC is off and the clutch disengaged but it does intensify slightly when
the clutch IS engaged.

And yes, I verified this by changing the Alternator and Pulley, the
Tensioner Pulley and the belt....no change but I know its on the Serpentine
belt as it disappears if I remove the belt.

So, am I justified in calling it the pulley bears? Because if so I have
ordered some bearings and will replace them.

Or am I doomed?

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