[Vwdiesel] Injection pump leak

Doug Ferguson hwy9fergs at comcast.net
Mon Jan 3 06:28:49 PST 2011

Hi guys, I haven't posted in a long time. I just wanted to say, some of the seals on these pumps (I've only actually dealt with the IDI pumps on the 1.6L ) are relatively easy to change and can extend the life of the pump by years. For example, my 91 ECO Jetta pump was leaking and I found it to be the seal at the advance shaft (I'm not intimately familiar with TDI pumps but from your description this is probably where yours is leaking). I removed the pump and replaced that seal only, and it has been 3 or 4 years ago with no additional trouble with leakage since then. It cost just a few dollars for the seal.----------------- I'm just sayin'--------------------------- Doug Ferguson 

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