[Vwdiesel] low weight dino oil? Re: Vac pump and rings

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Thu Jan 6 08:34:01 PST 2011

 Also NEVER put synthetic in there till after break in. You WILL glaze the cylinders. 
> Travis G

Hmmm..  Oil burning in the Westy got much worse when I put in synthetic
(parking outside in Alaska - Jetta/Pickup no real change in oil

Could it NOT have broken in after 8000 miles?  Rotella 5w40 is still too
thick for some mornings (and yes, I've got an oil pan heater and a block

Any thoughts for low-weight diesel rated dino oil?  I'm threatening the
wife that I'll get her a Honda or something, but she wants to commute on
veg, so do I, and it is nice to have one tool for all the vehicles...

Thanks for all the help and encouragement folks, I'm house-sitting a
warm garage this month!

Will in Alaska.

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