[Vwdiesel] low weight dino oil? Re: Vac pump and rings
brian hoeft
qweblog at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 18:07:43 PST 2011
Are you absolutely sure your timing is correct? and good glow plugs?
The glow plugs wouldn't cause an oil consumption problem, but with 5w oil
and 2 heaters it should start, even in Alaska, maybe not siberia, but maybe
i'm wrong and you regularly get below -20F..
I'm still using 15w/40, looking for thinner myself, but no heaters and mine
starts rough cold/cold, but it's such a fresh rebuild and is to be
On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Will Taygan <william at taygan.com> wrote:
> Also NEVER put synthetic in there till after break in. You WILL glaze the
> cylinders.
> > Travis G
> >
> Hmmm.. Oil burning in the Westy got much worse when I put in synthetic
> (parking outside in Alaska - Jetta/Pickup no real change in oil
> consumption)
> Could it NOT have broken in after 8000 miles? Rotella 5w40 is still too
> thick for some mornings (and yes, I've got an oil pan heater and a block
> heater).
> Any thoughts for low-weight diesel rated dino oil? I'm threatening the
> wife that I'll get her a Honda or something, but she wants to commute on
> veg, so do I, and it is nice to have one tool for all the vehicles...
> Thanks for all the help and encouragement folks, I'm house-sitting a
> warm garage this month!
> Will in Alaska.
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* Groundhog Day 2011*
This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address occur on
the same day.
"It is an ironic juxtaposition of events: one involves a meaningless ritual
in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication
while the other involves a groundhog." -A.A.
[blinders off&earplugs out]
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